Like many other young girls I pursued my education in Masters of French, got lucky with my hard work & landed in Paris for my final semester. I was on cloud 9 as everything went like planned and the icing was a decent 9 to 5 job in my hand by the end of it all.
Everything looked fine and perfect however, I constantly felt a professional void and a feeling of incompleteness surrounding me for the longest time.
Life continued and I got married to my childhood sweetheart but still the struggle of Professional introspection continued. “Is this it ?” and “what I am really doing”??
I remember sitting at my corporate job desk, and only having random gazillion thoughts and billion ideas of how can I ever work for something that I can call “MY OWN”
And then like its said, what is meant to come your way, will arrive one fine day. One day I spontaneously decided to take up an exhibition which was promoting homegrown brands in Delhi.
My husband’s family business is into bags, so at first I was a bit apprehensive that being an independent individual all my life, if I decide to get into his family business, I might loose my individuality and may not ever be able to call Kainiche my own. My husband then proposed me that why not I begin with investing my own savings and build a brand of my own. We chose to keep things very professional.